The event organised at art centre Ashkal Alwan (Beirut) on May 14–16 2015, represents both the beginning of The Against Nature Journal and the conclusion of the first phase of research of the project, called Manufacturing of Rights. Over the course of this three-day public conference, participants were invited to share legal cases, both historical and contemporary, referring to Nature in the form of short speeches, lecture-performances, audio pieces and films. The booklet of the event can be downloaded here.
Thursday, May 14
5.30pm: Forewords
— Christine Tohmé (Ashkal Alwan); Bente Scheller (Heinrich Böll Stiftung - Middle East Office); Sandra Terdjman 2 (Council); David Kim; Lawrence Abu Hamdan, and Nizar Saghieh (Legal Agenda)
Moderated by Tarek Zeidan
— Case #7: A Tale of Two Judgments: Between Empathy and Contempt, video-letter by Arvind Narrain 3
— Case #12: The Petitioner’s Case, lecture by Eric Gitari 4
— Discussion
7.30pm: Screening
Introduced by Maya Mikdashi and Carlos Motta
— Case #5: Deseos / رغبات, premiere screening of Carlos Motta’s film
— Discussion
Friday, May 15
2.00pm - 3.30pm: First Sequence
Moderated by Grégory Castéra
— Case #4: Dahdah Verdict, co-intervention by Lawrence Abu Hamdan & Marwa Arsanios
— Case #8: Another Earth, reading by Émilie Notéris
— Case #3: The Case for Di Aping, lecture by Adrian Lahoud
— Discussion
4.00pm - 5.30pm: Second Sequence
Moderated by Maya Mikdashi
— Case #2: Indecencies, lecture by Nayla Geagea
— Case #1: Chlordécone, video-letter by Vanessa Agard-Jones
— Case #11: The Intermorphs, reading by Ashkan Sepahvand
— Discussion
— Video Case: Toxic, screening of Pauline Boudry and Renate Lorenz’s video (2012, 13 min)5
Saturday May 16
11.00am - 12.30pm: Third Sequence
Moderated by Carlos Motta
— Case #6: The Dekwaneh Case, lecture by Karim Nammour
— Case #10: Unnatural Bodies, Desires, and Devotions, lecture by Zeb Tortorici
— Case #9: God, Nature, and the Nature of God, video-letter by Linn Tonstad
— Discussion
1.30pm - 3.30pm: Workshop For the Collective Writing of the Online Data Platform
Moderated by Youmna Makhlouf, David Kim, Sandra Terdjman and Grégory Castéra 6
4.00pm - 5.00pm: Conclusions
Introduced by Youmna Makhlouf and David Kim
— Concluding remarks by Council
14–16 May 2015
Ashkal Alwan, Beirut 1st Floor, Building 110, Street 90, Jisr el Wati, Beirut
Lawrence Abu Hamdan
Vanessa Agard-Jones
Marwa Arsanios
Pauline Boudry and Renate Lorenz
Grégory Castéra
Joscelyn Gardner
Nayla Geagea
Eric Gitari
David Kim
Adrian Lahoud
Youmna Makhlouf
Maya Mikdashi
Carlos Motta
Karim Nammour
Arvind Narrain
Émilie Notéris
Nizar Saghieh
Ashkan Sepahvand
Sandra Terdjman
Linn Tonstad
Zeb Tortorici
curated by
Council (Grégory Castéra and Sandra Terdjman, in collaboration with Emma McCormick-Goodhart)
initiated with
Ashkal Alwan
Legal Agenda
initiated with
Heinrich Böll Stiftung - Middle East Office
Foundation for Arts Initiatives
French Institute of Beirut